Friday, December 23, 2011

Time out for Women

We started a new tradition this year of going to Time out for Women in Salt Lake. After a really bad break up it was just what I needed. I loved every bit of it. We listened to some really great speakers who brought in the spirit. I got to listen to one of my favorite speakers, Stephanie Nelson, who was amazing. She has had such a hard life, but still remains strong and faithful! She is such a great example, and has influenced so many peoples lives. I also got to be with three of my favorite people. We laughed until we literally cried. Time out for Women is something I can look forward to each year.
Saturday session before it started
Yes I am related even though I don't look like the three sisters

Gege and I on the TRAX
We rode the TRAX both days. Each day when they would announce the next stop Gege would do this. It was hilarious. We laughed about it all weekend.
  • Christ has the ability to change anything.
  • God is not content to be a part of the audience. He wants to be the composer.
  • Our motivation to stay on the path comes not when we look at the path, but at the goal.
  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something.
  • We tend to pay more attention to the outside then on the inside.
  • The harder you try the worse it gets so try harder.
  • We become who we want to be by consistently becoming who we want to be.
  • It's up to us to make the decision to by happy.
  • We have all the tools to overcome our trials.
  • Choose to become me... ME is good enough
  • We don't get to judge others because we don't have the whole picture.
  • Don't you dare be the one thing that stands in your way.
  • Never loose site in the things you are supposed to do.
  • Face your doubts, stay on the course, and see the beauty that is waiting for you.
  • Choose to be the women God intended you to be.
I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to go to Time out for Women. I am so blessed to have the gospel. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to learn about the Gospel, and to strive to be better each and every day!!

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