Logan my brother has been out on his mission for 13 months now. I can't believe how fast time is going. Logan is such an amazing missionary. He strives to be obedient, and to be the best missionary he possibly can be. He is such a huge example to me. I love him, and miss him dearly. This is a story that he sent us about his companion. I cried through the whole thing. To see the life that his comp went through, but yet he still have the faith to keep going, and now he and his family are receiving countless blessings because of his service.... I hope you enjoy!!
"You asked a little bit about my companion so i thinhk i am going togive you a little life story about him.He loves sharing with people his story and where he comes from and hisexperiences. I am going to start f rom when he was 8 years old. Heleft his mom and t wo sisters to go work in a circus until he was 15.In the circus was immitated people singing and dancing. One guy heimmitated is Juan Gabriel a famous gay guy who is a singer. There hepretty much lived in the street, got to take care of animals for thecircus, and made good money that he sent to his mom. At 15 he said hehad enough so he went home which was not much better. He is from SanPedro Zula in Honduras. Whenever he tells somebody he is from therethey cringe because it is really rough there. He joined a gang at 15but had to get beat up to join the gang. He regularly got shot at,regularly shot at other people, but never hit anyone, and regularlyrobbed peopel. He has lots of stories as you can imagine. He is afanatic with Soccer and is super good at is as well. Everyday from 15on he worked for his dad in construction and then after would go toplay soccer at the field in front of his house. He did that until hisdad was killed a year ago from April because somebody robbed him andshot him. Elder Bueso has never lived with his dad his whole life,built his house from what he learned from his dad at work. One daywhen he was playing soccer at the church he kicked the ball and brokethe window of the Stake PResidents car. The stake president said iwill not make you pay for it if you come to church with me. So he didand in 3 weeks changed his life, stopped drinking, stopped robbing andgot baptised. He still played soccer on sundays until about a yearago. He got baptised about 3 years ago. He was really hesitant to comeon the mission as he is about to turn 22 years old and did not want toleave his mom cause she doesnt work. A missionary there said that ifElder Bueso goes on a mission he promises to baptise his mom who was adie hard Catholic. Elder Bueso came on the mission and the 3rd day heentered Costa Rica on Christmas when he called his mom she couldnttalk because she was crying so the bishop talked to him and toldElder Bueso that his mom had been baptised that very Christmas day. Hecame to the missison saying bad words, just slang not obeying, notwanting to teach, and now is just a stud missionary, I am reallyblessed to be with him and we have never had any problems. I love him.I thought maybe you would liek that story cause i sure think it isincredible. He is a man of God and Heavenly Father has prepared hisway like crazy. The little things the Lord does right. I am loving being here mom i dont wanna be anywhere else but i know iam have so much stuff to learn. It is a good thing I got a year to goto hopefully learn all the Lord has in store for me."